Visiting Teaching

"Visiting Teaching is a very serious respondsibility, it really is. But it is not a heavy burden; it just takes a little more faith. It is worthy of our very best effort." Pres. Gordon B. Hinkley

What are a visiting teacher's responsibilities?
1. Come to know and love you sister's
2. Minister through regular contacts
3. learn of needs and offer appropriate assistance
4. Look for specific ways to help
5. Share and testify of gospel Doctrines

Visiting Teaching minister in behalf of the Savior.
Our hands are His hands, our love is His love,
and our service is His service.
Good visiting teachers know the sisters they visit.
They love them, serve them, and help them learn the gospel by the spirit.
They focus of fortifying homes and lives.
There is not greater privilage than to watch over and strengthen another person.
It is truly the business of salvation.
*Sister Julie Beck*

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hello All,

Welcome to our new ward blog! I am very excited about this! This is a way for all of us to keep up on the things that are going on in the ward. If you have any up comming events please get ahold of myself (Whitney Thornely) or Susan Shulthies and we can update the blog.


  1. I am very excited about this blog. Great job Whitney! Hopefully this will keep us all informed and feel closer as sisters.

  2. I agree i want to be closer with sisters in the would so this would be fun to learn all the stuff thats happening

  3. This is a great idea. Being in young women's it is hard to keep up. This will be really nice. Thank you Whitney
