Visiting Teaching

"Visiting Teaching is a very serious respondsibility, it really is. But it is not a heavy burden; it just takes a little more faith. It is worthy of our very best effort." Pres. Gordon B. Hinkley

What are a visiting teacher's responsibilities?
1. Come to know and love you sister's
2. Minister through regular contacts
3. learn of needs and offer appropriate assistance
4. Look for specific ways to help
5. Share and testify of gospel Doctrines

Visiting Teaching minister in behalf of the Savior.
Our hands are His hands, our love is His love,
and our service is His service.
Good visiting teachers know the sisters they visit.
They love them, serve them, and help them learn the gospel by the spirit.
They focus of fortifying homes and lives.
There is not greater privilage than to watch over and strengthen another person.
It is truly the business of salvation.
*Sister Julie Beck*

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sept 1 @ 7:30: YW in Excellence at the home of Karena Wagstaff... dress is casual, swimming optional.
BYU Adult Religion Class Fall 2010, taught by Pres. Calvin R. Stephens on Thurday nights, Sept. 2, 9, 30, Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28, and ends Nov. 4. He will be teaching Doctrine and Covenants, it will be an ongoing class again beginning Jan. 2011.
Sat. Sept 4 @ 6:30 pm, Stake Baptism:
Wed. Sept 15 @ 7:30 Stake Standards Night, Nyssa Stake chapel, Sunday dress. Young Men and Young Women -- 12 yrs and up. "Who is Your Hero?"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Aug 17 we are asked to pick peaches at the church orchard and follow up with more picking on the 21st. Call Ellis Barlow if you have questions.
Aug 20 at 7:00 pm: The High Priests are planning an outdoor activity and meal for all ward members and guests. Food will be hoagie sandwiches, watermelon, corn on the cob, etc. Please plan to attend and bring a friend!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Dear Presidents,

I received a call from Sister Marlene Hansen, Humanitarian Service Room Director, letting me know the Meridian School District has a need for 100 fleece jackets for the upcoming Winter season. Last year the Humanitarian center made these jackets from fleece that was donated by a fabric store in Boise and they were able to fill that need without requesting any help from our area. This year, however, they will need to rely on donated fleece fabric. Please send this request on to your Ward Presidents and ask them to let sisters in their Ward know if anyone has fleece they could donate to please drop it by the Humanitarian Center, or the Deseret Industries drop-off locations. They will need to be sure to identify their donations of fleece are for the Humanitarian Center. The fleece does not have to be large pieces, as they will do mix and match with the smaller pieces. The zippers for the jackets are purchased with a monetary grant from the church. The cuffs are made from the fleece fabric, so no ribbing will be needed.

To give you a little background, the Meridian School District has identified over 300 homeless children who will be attending school this fall in their district alone. Many of them do not have jackets for the winter, so they rely on donations to make sure all students have something to keep them warm. They were so very excited last year with the service that was rendered by our Humanitarian Service Room. We hope to do the same for them this year. As a reminder, the Humanitarian Service Room is open Tues., Wed., and Thurs. from 10 - 2. Thank you in advance for your help in providing this need to school children in our area. It is so wonderful to see the church's Humanitarian Program at work. The Lord surely blesses those in need and those who provide for them. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via e-mail or phone: 208-884-0523.

With Gratitude,

Elaine CluffMeridian South Stake Relief Society President

Monday, June 21, 2010

4th of July Breakfast

Date: July 3rd
Where: Adrian School Park
Time: 8:00AM

We hope to see you all there!!! :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 8th
Relief Society Meeting
held at the church
begining at 7:00pm
Please come and help get our quilts completed. If you know how to tie a knot, or don’t, come anyway and just visit.
June 17th
Relief Society Field Trip
Join us for a tour with Patriarch Ballantyne as we explore his garden and receive tips on how we can better maintain our own gardens. We will also be receiving tips from Sister Ada on what you will need to be able to can from your own gardens. Feel free to bring your canning and gardening questions.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

If you are 60 or older come to the senior women's lunchon MAY 13th @ 11:30 - 1:00
Call Gwen or Kay if you need a ride
PLAY GROUP: Thurs. 13th 10:30 @ Erin Ballantyne's
Family History: One-On-One help at your home or the church call Angie Grigg
Biggest Loser: One-On-One help call Gwen

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

6:00PM @ the Church

May 5th - Hornor Graduating Seniors
Make your own sundae or banana split and enjoy a program honoring them. They are: Kenzie Barlow, Katie Bowns, Samantha Bowns, Brittney Phelps, Daniel Thornley, Kimber Wagstaff, and Jacob Wilde. Their pictures were sent in an email last week

May 6th - 6:00 - 9 pm 80th birthday party for Emery Cameron’s at the Adrian Grade School Cafeteria.

May 11th - 11:30 - 1:00: A luncheon at the church for all sisters ages 60 plus. The R.S. Presidency said that if you are younger than 60 and really want to come you are welcome to do so. If you have any questions please feel free to call one of the R.S. Presidency.